Do you know the memory game?
Can you dance to the coconut soap song?
Even the small children were interested.
The song "Wag, wag, wag your tail" was new.
Lot's of fancy drinks are here, some with cookies, donuts ice cream and other food mixed in.
What is she holding in her hand, can you see?
Oh, she noticed us observing.
Ice cream is very yummy.
Another round of memory, who is winning?
Which pictures can you match?
If you line up the pictures, how long will it be?
A very interesting result, it almost looks like a tree.
Can I climb these legs?
Sitting on teachers stomach is funny.
Do you like ice cream? I have many different flavors.
M. is creating new flavors every day.
Everyone is making a different dish.
How many things can we draw on a stripe of paper?
More and more children joined.
E. is ordering, while N. is serving dishes.
This time, N. seems to be faster than E.
What can you see outside? The view is very clear.
S. Was leader during meals today, he guided everyone with greetings and telling everyone the date, weather and day.

During hide and seek, the space near the chairs is a popular hiding spot.
L. is very ticklish.
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