
5/24/2023 Mr.Sun, good to see you again!

Where are we going?

The small kids need to be secured. 
Hold tight, guys!

And we are back at the park! Yay!

I wonder what is he thinking about.

Today, we are going to build a castle. 

They always play together. 
Even inside the school. ^^

Yes, teacher? Did you call me?

Shh! The little ones are busy. 

Let's go, R-kun! You can do it. 

His hat is perfect to protect his face from the rays of the sun! ^^

Yay, K-chan! We are happy to see you smile.

S-kun seems to love this log chair. 

Her voice pierces through the photo. 

The big kids wanted to rest a bit under the shade. 

And now we are back in the school.

Lesson time for Tulip class. 

K-kun loves peace and solitude. 

H-chan and M-chan are like sisters. 
They always play with each other. 

How long is that, guys?

Even during their free-play time, teachers also try to incorporate learning.

Hello there, M-chan!

Circle time!!!

Let's make a circle!

Good job, guys!

We are always proud of you, little ones!



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