
2022/10/13 Exciting trial day!

Great job M chan!!!

Our happy little boy:))))

Our smiley little boy:)))))

Say cheeze little T-kun!!!

My dream someday is to be an Engineer!

Oh I drop my toy!, don't worry I'll help you to pick it up;)

So cute!!!

Everybody are doing great following the rule during snack time, falling in line and grabbing their own tea.

Our cute ballerina dancer.

Making enormous turnip!!!

I will grab my own chair before wash my hands.

This is my new hat!

This is my new favorite toy:)

I want to help to make a big turnip teacher.

Brave boy!

Hi cutie L-kun!

Our new talented dancer !

Well done everybody!

I got a bunch of lego!

That's look awsome T-kun!

Our adorable K-kun!

Practicing their new dance for X-mas event!

woohooo snack time yum yum

Everybody memorizing their own line for our X-mas event!

They were all behaving well, great job kids!

Teachers are all happy and energetic, while teaching and helping kids to learn their new dancing group!

Big kids are all happy to join and help the small kids for their new dancing group

You can't catch me !

What do you want me to cook for our breakfast ?

T-kun let's pls

cute little K-chan

☆Menu for Today


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