Today it is very sunny outside, everyone seems to be in high spirits.
Y-chan enjoys playing with the rody.
R-kun is reaching for the moon.
We made our own moons that we can reach for.
E-chan can reach the lower ones.
Here comes M-chan with a doll...
E-chan is showing us how we reach for the moon.
M-chan is going to try as well.
Lesson time with Angel sensei.
S-kun, N-chan and H-chan trying their best.
S-kun is writing the letter C.
N-chan is writing the letter F.
H-chan is writing the letter E.
Playing with Angel sensei.
Let's take a look out of the window.
Time to get ready to go to the park.
Everybody has to walk in a line, let's be careful.
At the park are many things to play.
But first let's listen to the rules for the park.
R-kun is explaining them to everyone.
Let's play in the sandbox.
I can reach this bar all by myself.
With a little fantasy this spring rider is almost like a real motorcycle...
...even for the older children.

The slide is very fast.
Let's wait behind these bars to be safe.
Now the swing is free, let's swing and ask the teacher to push us.
I will swing so high.
I like to go on there.
H-chan, what do you have in your hands?
Y-chan can already climb up by herself.
Even the swing.
How nice of S-kun to push M-chan and H-chan who are sitting on the swing.
Everyone get's pushed.
It looks so much fun.
Of course S-kun can swing by himself as well.
S-kun can climb the slide alone as well.
Do we climb the slide from there? That's funny.
Of course you can slide backwards down as well.
Or forwards.
But be careful that the slide is free when you slide.
Oh, now everyone climbs up from this side.
There was a smaller slide on he other side.
S-kun is waiting for M-chan to climb up.
S-kun and R-kun really like climbing.
First R-kun climbs on a tree.
It looks quite challenging but...
...the view is nice.
S-kun is less tired although its challenging even for him.
S-kun is older, so he can climb on all kinds of things.
For example the opposite side of a ladder.
The spring rider is very fun.
A very energetic lesson with Angel sensei.
M-chan and R-kun are doing their best.
While the other children playing with doctor toys.
Let me check your heart.
It seems to be working fine.
S-kun made glasses with the blocks, amazing!
What else can we build?
Even E-chan is having fun.
Afternoon lesson, we are writing and searching letters in words and sentences.
Today we celebrated the birthday of M-chan.
Everyone sang "Happy Birthday" for her.
She in turn was the leader to guide everyone during snacktime.
What's snack today?
Snack time is always very cheerful, everyone likes a snack.
Even boxes are fun to play in.
Circle time was fun, even with a small group of children.
What colors can you see?
let's gather the balls here.
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